How to use Currently's Premium Themes for free?

To refresh my fat Chrome's new page, I switched from "2day is a good day" (my extension 🤣) to "Currently". Currently impressed me at first look. It displays only time & forecast information, but it's enough for me.
After installing it, I found that I can choose some themes through Options page.
Besides two free themes: Classic, the old style from the previous version of Currently, & Currently 2.0, there are four themes which need paid to use.
Fortunately, I found a small trick which let us use premium themes for free 💩

Here's the instruction:

  • Open Currently option panel 😎

  • Choose your favourite theme 😤

  • Open Chrome Dev Tools by pressing F12. 😲

  • Copy & paste this spell to Console tab 👻

document.querySelector('#themes-container > div > div > div >').classList.remove('ng-hide');console.log('%cSUCCESS. Please click SAVE button.', 'background:#333; color:#fff; font-size:18px;');

And run it by pressing Enter.

  • A magical Save button has just appeared next to Buy button.
    Click it, press F12 again to turn off Chrome Dev Tools and enjoy that premium theme 🤗

If you like this post, please feel free to spread it to your friends. Thank you so much 😻

PS: Sorry Currently Team 🤧